Certified Lean Agile Professional
For Project Managers, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Executives, Architects, Software Engineers & Testers
Lean Agile Professional training and certification is a two day course that equips software professionals to understand the principles and practices behind Lean Agile methods.
This course walks attendees through Lean principles and demonstrates how to apply them in a software professionals daily context.
Certified Lean Agile Professionals will have working knowledge of the key practices needed for agility.
These Practices Include:
- Value Identification, Prioritization, and Decomposition
- Iterative and Incremental Delivery
- Engineering Practices such as Clean Code, Testing, and DevOps
Clean Code for Developers
For Software Engineers & Software Architects
Clean Code for Developers is a six-session, hands-on-keyboard class designed to teach engineers to write code that is maintainable, dependable, and extendible.
Clean Code equips engineers with programmatic skills that allow for better technical project management by making development tasks predictable and risk averse.
Clean Code Covers:
- Why Quality Code and Test Driven Development
- Clean Code Naming Principles
- Writing Clean and Concise Functions
Collaboration 101
For Software Engineers & Software Architects
High performance teams build high performance software. Healthy collaboration is the basis for developing high performance teams.
Collaboration 101 is a four-session course that teaches engineers how to effectively communicate within common engineering situations such as code reviews, design discussions, and team meetings.
This course uses the DISC behavior assessment tool to teach engineers about their dominate behavioral traits and those of others so they can adjust their communication style to better communicate with a given audience.
Secure Code for Developers
For Software Engineers & Software Architects
Secure Code for Developers is a four-session, hands-on-keyboard class designed to teach engineers to answer the basic question, “what shouldn’t my code do?”
This course ensures developers are aware of security risks associated with code they write and that they take the appropriate measures to protect it against bad actors.
Secure Code Covers:
- How to think like an adversary and exploit software vulnerabilities
- How to identify and fix common vulnerabilities
- Injection, XSS, Broken Access Control, Data Exposure

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