Building a RESTful client with Spring’s RestTemplate

BTI360 Blog / September 2, 2010 in 

In a previous blog you learned how to build RESTful web services using Spring, now we are going to show you how build a client to access RESTful web services using Spring’s RestTemplate.

The RestTemplate was introduce in Spring 3.0 and can be used right out the box by including the org.springframework.web jar in your classpath.  The RestTemplate provides entry points for the six main HTTP methods:

 Http MethodRestTemplate Method
 DELETE delete(String, Object…)
 GET getForObject(String, Class, Object…)
 HEAD headForHeaders(String, Object…)
 OPTIONS optionsForAllow(String, Object…)
 POST postForLocation(String, Object, Object…)
 PUT put(String, Object, Object…)

The method names indicate the HTTP method that they will invoke and the second part of the name indicates what the method will return.  The first argument of each method is the URI.  The URI can either be a URI template or a normal URI.  I am going to show you how to use the RestTemplate to access the dictionary service that was introduced in a previous blog.


To retrieve all the words out of the dictionary we use the following code:

RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
WordList wordList = template.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/SpringDictionaryService/bti/dictionary", WordList.class);

To retrieve a word:

Map vars = new HashMap(); 
vars.put("word", "set");
Word word = template.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/SpringDictionaryService/bti/dictionary/{word}", Word.class, vars);

This method uses a URI template and takes a Map which contains the URI path variables. This same example can be done using a normal URI:

RestTemplate template = new RestTemplate();
Word word = template.getForObject("http://localhost:8080/SpringDictionaryService/bti/dictionary/set", Word.class);


To add a new word to our dictionary we use the following code:


Introduction to RESTful Clients


Building a RESTful Client with Apache HttpClient

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