Getting a Solid Dose of Work Life Balance
Are you currently getting a solid dose of work life balance in your software engineering career? If not, why not? While we have a strong engineering culture at BTI360, we also like to have plenty of down time together to relax and recharge, which helps make us one of the top fun companies to work for in DC. We believe a solid work life balance goes a long way and is good for the soul!
On June 3, 2017 the BTI360 crew (teammates, spouses, significant others, kiddos, and the like) descended on Leesburg for our annual picnic. We gathered together for some good food, laughs, and plenty of fun activities for all ages – pony rides (on Happy the pony or Little John the horse), huge moon bounces, and of course, what’s better on a hot day than water balloons.
In fact, the water balloons quickly became the main attraction once the kids discovered the water balloon launcher. Everyone jumped in on the action, young and old, dry or soaked, including this year’s class of software engineering interns. Fun was had by all, even those of us not planning on getting wet when we first arrived at the picnic. 🙂 Water balloons, I must say, will surely be a mainstay for BTI360 picnics in the years to come.
Photos of Fun
Check out a few of our picnic pics below to get a feel for the atmosphere! And we certainly hope to see you next year!

Like What You Hear, Work Here!
Are you a software engineer, interested in joining a fun company with a good work life balance? Then you’re in the right place! Check out our current Career Opportunities on Life @ BTI360. We’re always looking for like-minded engineers and others to join the BTI360 family.